Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Idiot

This is one of the links i mentioned in the first post.

As you can see she thinks she's making a good attempt at 'proving' the existence of God.  And even starts with a neat little intro explaining her goal.
Just once wouldn't you love for someone to simply show you the evidence for God's existence? No arm-twisting. No statements of, "You just have to believe." Well, here is an attempt to candidly offer some of the reasons which suggest that God exists.
But then she immediately goes on to give herself an out by saying that if you don't even entertain the posibility of their being a God then you will just rationalise away any evidence offered.  Ironically this is basically the same thing she is doing with this post but in the opposite direction.  She wants there to be a God so rationalises how any mundane thing is evidence of the great creator.

I'll do her first 'proof' today, which is this:
1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.
Then goes on to talk about the earths size, atmosphere, distance from the sun, and the fact that it has a stable orbit.

Marilyn Adamson.  You're wrong, fuck wit!

But maybe you don't realise that as you look at the 'miracle' of life from your position at the bottom of the well.  Obviously if there were only a handful of planets and solar systems in the universe it would be pretty fucking awesomely lucky that we got to live on this one but there aren't.  There are a shit load of planets and you clearly have no understanding of just how many there are or any concept of mathematic probability.

Take a look at the bigger picture.  This bigger picture right here is the Hubble Ultra Deep Field which is a photo taken of a dark part of the sky in the Fornax constellation.  This image:
This is just one-tenth of the diameter of the full Moon as viewed from Earth, smaller than a 1 mm by 1 mm square of paper held at 1 meter away, and equal to roughly one thirteen-millionth of the total area of the sky.  [my bolding]
And it contains an estimated 10,000 galaxies.  Let me say that again:  GALAXIES.  That puts an estimate for the total number of galaxies in the universe in the region of 100 - 200 and maybe up to 500 BILLION.  This is not a handfull.

So how many stars are there in a galaxy?  I'll let Universe Today answer that one.  That gives us a total number of between 100 and 300 sextillion stars.  How many!?  That's a 1 or a 3 followed by 23 zeros.

Incase you are a bit slow to pick up what i'm putting down here; stars aren't particularly scarce, nor are planets.  It's not a fucking miracle that we are here , it's a mathematical certainty.

Imagine these 100 sextillion stars for a moment.  Imagine, if you will, that only a meager 10% of them are the parents of their own planets.  Imagine that of those stars with planets that again, only a meager 10% has planets in this wonderous Goldilocks zone.  Now imagine that only 10% of these has a rocky surface and another 10% has water present.  Another 10% has the right gravity and another 10% have a 'breathable' atmosphere.  Imagine that only 10% of these planets even develops LIFE!

We still have a number with 16 zeros behind it.  That's a number describing planets in our universe which could support human life.  Now these numbers aren't ncessarily accurate and if you want to do the math yourself you can use the Drake Equation to do it but bear in mind that some of those fractions will be bigger than 10%, some much bigger.  I've been generous in pruning the numbers.

With that many planets which could potentially be our home then why would it be so miraculous that we have evolved on one of them?  In fact why wouldn't we have?  With such a huge number of planets to choose from why would we need one which had been specially designed?

In fact it's not even the planet which is designed to suit us but us who have evolved to suit the planet.  We've been here, our ancestors at least, evolving for 4 billion years and one of the results of evolution is that a species becomes BETTER adapted to it's environment.  Obviously after so long changing to suit our environment it's going to look like the planet is a perfect fit for us.  In reality, we are a perfect fit for the planet.

I'll address the water and brain/eye parts of that 'proof' later.

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